Subject: Cystinuria in the Irish Terrier
Summary of the lecture on the current state of research on cystinuria.
Presented at the:
German Breeders Association and the Irish Terrier Association in Bad Sassendorf on 05.03.2023
Dear Irish Terrier friends
Here we present the relevant information on the current status of the cystinuria effort in the Irish Terrier. We have been reporting continuously and always up-to-date on the progress and status of this project since 1 February 2020. In the following we offer the possibility to read or download the summary of the lecture by Dr. Ulrich Merschbrock on the subject of cystinuria in the Irish Terrier. The lecture was held on the occasion of the Irish Terrier Breeders’ Meeting and the General Meeting of the Förderverein Irish Terrier im KfT von 1894 e.V. You will also find a call for a sample collection linked to a simple test procedure, the Protein Provocation Test (PPT). Both the description of how to perform the PPT and the necessary forms are available for download here. We wish you many new insights while reading the summary and hope for a lively participation in the study.
1) Summary of the lecture by Dr. Ulrich Merschbrock
The Breeders’ Meeting and subsequent General Meeting of the Irish Terrier Society in Bad Sassendorf was a first-class opportunity to get a first-hand status report on the current state of research on cystinuria in Irish Terriers.
Dr. Ulrich Merschbrock, who has worked on the subject with great dedication over the past years, gave a lecture in which he reported on the latest findings and results from research. The reorganisation proposals, ideas and approaches of Dr. Merschbrock persuaded Prof. Dr. Tosso Leeb, Director at the Institute of Genetics/Pet Genetics of the University of Bern to engage him as an external scientific collaborator for the project and the ongoing study. We are pleased to be able to present the summary of the lecture here and wish Dr. Merschbrock continued success in his research and thank him for his ongoing high level of commitment to the welfare of our Irish Terriers.
In the German article on the German part of the site you will also find a call for a sample collection linked to a simple test procedure, the Protein Provocation Test (PPT) as alrready descriped in lecture. Both the description of how to perform the PPT and the necessary forms are available for download there. We wish you many new insights while reading the summary and hope for a lively participation in the study.
You will find there all important information on calling, sample collection and test procedure is contained in the document Aufruf zur Probenentnahme unter Verwendung des Protein-Provokations-Test (PPT)
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Merschbrock. He would be pleased if he can recruit as many younger Irish Terrier males as possible for the genome study and the protein provocation test PPT).
Mit besten Grüßen, Rasse-Team
Förderverein Irish Terrier